New Year, New SIGMA

Hello, dear blog reader and a happy new year to you! I hope 2022 is kinder to you than 2021 was to most of us. Nearly everyone I know, including our Managing Director, Steve had tested positive for the dreaded Omicron COVID-19 variant (I still think that it sounds like a Transformer!) and spent his Christmas on the couch shivering and sniffling.
On a more positive note, 2022 is shaping up to be a year of immense change. Like most people, I grew tired of the “New Year, New Me” rhetoric over the years, but this year I feel like it might be slightly necessary. After all, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing but expecting different results right?
With that in mind we have some exciting things planned for 2022, including the launch of our Podcast that we posted about in October as well as some fresh deliverables for our loyal clients.
We are currently doing some market research for a potential new project (Top Secret, I’m afraid…for now) and if you fancy your chances at winning yourself a £100 Amazon voucher, all you need to do is answer our survey and give it a share on social media in order to be put into the prize draw. We will be posting another blog about that very soon!
4 January 2022