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New Tech Podcast Coming Soon!

Pexels Jeanpaul Wright 8046806

Happy Spooktober people!

For the past few months, myself and Steve have been toying with the idea of creating a podcast of some sort. We have had many, many discussions about what kind of content would be discussed, possible guests we could bring on and what kind of outcomes we would actually want from such a time consuming and arduous endeavour.

Well, it is my absolute pleasure to announce that we are taking action! We want this Podcast to reach out to people who share our passion for technology and business. People who want to learn new things and open their minds to new experiences. There is no shortage of subject matters and interesting topics to explore so I, for one, am super excited to get stuck in and get the ball rolling.

Content will cover many subjects surrounding technology and business, with the intention of touching on some general lifestyle topics as well. If you like keeping up to date with current tech, enjoy learning about new approaches to business and want to pick up some work/life balance tips along the journey, then you will be wanting to keep an eye on this space.

We will be starting work on this in the new year, so keep checking our blog posts for updates and other dastardly schemes we will be devising as 2022 approaches. See you there!

27 October 2021